Sub-Lease FAQs
Have a read through these FAQs. If we don't answer your question here, please email the question to us and we will be glad to respond.
1 - When will Wolverine Property Management have my room Sub-Leased?
Answer: We will not. It is the responsibility of the Tenant to Sub-Lease their space.
Of course, Wolverine Property Management will assist where we can. It is the Tenant who does the actual leasing, filling in of the contract details, sending the completed and signed contract back to Wolverine Property Management and the move in and move out of their Sub-Tenant.
2 - Why do I have to fill out and sign a Sub-Lease Agreement?
All residents in our buildings are required to agree to the buildings basic rules, which is what a Lease or Sub-Lease agreement is.
These rules are in place to protect the property, other tenants, the property owner, Wolverine Property Management, the Sub-Tenant and YOU the Tenant who is Sub-Leasing.
There will be NO exemptions to this. Everyone signs an agreement.
3 - Do I have to tell anyone about my Sub-Tenant?
Wolverine Property Management MUST pre-approve ALL Sub-Leases prior to occupancy by the Sub-Tenant.
- We need to know who is living in the building
- We need to know how to contact everyone in the building for when we issue a Notice of Entry, to do maintenance, etc.
- If we don't know they are living in the building we might charge them with trespassing, because that is what they would be doing if we didn't approve them.
So the answer is definitely - YES, no exceptions
It's also appropriate to let your fellow tenants know, maybe even introduce them to your new Sub-Tenant.
4 - Do I really have to pay an admin fee each time I Sub-Lease my room?
Yes. This fee is to help cover the administration costs that we incur.
5 - Who incurs the Sub-Lease admin fee?
That is up to you. Whether it is you or your Sub-Tenant, this is part of your negotiations with them.
You, however, are the one responsible for forwarding the payment to Wolverine Property Management within 24 hours of the time you forward a copy of the Sub-Lease agreement to us.
6 - How much is the admin fee for Sub-Leasing my room?
$100 Canadian
7 - How do I forward a copy of the Sub-Lease Agreement?
You have three choices:
- Scan it and email it to us info@WolverineManagement.ca
- Print a copy and place in the Landlord's Mailbox at your building. Then send us a quick email telling us that you have just done this.
- Postal Mail to Wolverine Property Management, 6683 Ellis Rd., Cambridge, ON N3C 2V4 - Remember we need to approve prior to your Sub-Tenant moving in, so leave at least 2 weeks time for this option. Then send us a quick email telling us that you have just done this.
8 - How do I pay the Admin fee?
You have four choices:
- Once we have received a copy of the Sub-Lease agreement from you, we will apply an admin fee for the Sub-Leasing process to your online portal account. You may go into your account in the online portal and make a one-time payment for this.
- You may put a cheque payment into the Landlord's mailbox at your building. Then send us a quick email telling us that you have just done this.
- You may send an e-transfer to us. See attached information.
- If postal mailing our copy of the Sub-Lease Agreement to us, you may include a cheque for the admin fee in the envelope. Please make sure the cheque is 'current dated' and made out to Wolverine Property Mangement. Postal Address.
9 - Where do I find the Sub-Lease agreement?
Blank Sub-Lease agreements are located here.
10 - What price do I charge my Sub-Tenant for renting my space?
This is up to you and your negotiations with your Sub-Tenant. You may literally charge them any price you want, but remember if you aren't competitive you likely will lose the opportunity.
11 - Who is ultimately responsible for my space during the term of the Sub-Lease?
You and your Guarantor are ultimately responsible. The Sub-Tenant is YOUR responsibility during the entire period of the Sub-Lease. So, if you Sub-Lease the last 4 months of your Lease Agreement, it would be wise to come back once, prepared to do some cleaning, in order to avoid Management's assessment of extra cleaning or move out fees.
12 - My prospective Sub-Tenant isn't a student. Is this ok? They are really nice!
No, student housing is for students only.
13 - I'm a guy and my prospective Sub-Tenant is a girl. I live in a guy's only suite. Is this ok?
No, guys only mean guys only. Whatever the gender of the room is before your sub-lease it must be after.
14 - How do I get my room listed in Wolverine's Short Term Student Housing List?
You need to read the FAQs for Wolverine's Short Term Student Housing List.
15 - I have just Sub-Leased my room. Are my responsibilities over now?
You are responsible until the end of your lease agreement, whether you have a Sub-Tenant or not. So whether you are living there or not, you have the ultimate responsibility for your Sub-Tenant and the rental space. If your Sub-Tenant moves out and leaves garbage, damage or doesn't clean the stove, etc., you will be held responsible by us.