Vendor Registration: Possible business opportunity

If you are a business looking to provide services to Wolverine Property Management;

  • Please be aware that we have great working relationships with reliable and affordable partners.
  • As we expand, we are always looking for new partners who fit into this model of affordability and quality workmanship. 
  • If this represents your company, we welcome you to contact us in the form below.  
  • Make sure that you include in this submission proof of:
    1. Insurance
    2. References
    3. A quote or potential fee chart

Your Information

Select appropriate option
Select appropriate option
Check ALL that are appropriate
Does your company work outside of your normal working hours?
Select appropriate option
Check ALL that are appropriate
Check ALL that are appropriate
Check ALL that are appropriate
Your quotation or 'potential fee list' is;
Select appropriate option
Do you operate an emergency service?
Select appropriate option

(* indicates a required field.)