Lease Administration
- Generate specific, detailed leases for each tenant.
- Ensure each tenant and guarantor signs a lease prior to gaining access to the rental area.
- Prospect Portal – Digitally Signing the Agreement
(Example of online portal where tenant is required to sign)
- When required (either by the Property Owner or as the result of our credit checking processes) obtain a credit approved guarantor for the tenant, who will personally guarantee the lease, prior to the tenant being granted access.
- Ensure all of the Landlord’s requirements to the tenants are completed in a timely manner, as required by the lease.
- Give all required notices to tenants.
- Review and recommend to the Property Owner any updates or modifications to the lease agreement.
- For commercial, residential or student buildings, if required by the Property Owner, manage Proof of Insurance needs for all tenants. If tenants don’t have tenant insurance then we offer this to them through one of our partners. Highcourt Partners Ltd. is an insurance brokerage that has tenant insurance available to our tenants through the Wolverine Property Management online portal. Requiring your tenants to have an active insurance policy protects your building.